.. just a few lines to get to know me a bit more.
Don’t panic… reading time is about two minutes!

Making the decision to become an estate agent - a job that still struggles to find aficionados - dawned on me back in September 2008.

My opening day coincided with the collapse of the subprime mortgage industry while Lehman Brothers was filing for bankruptcy.

Not bad, was it?

Mind you, I braved the storm and kept going. Trouble was that my products - as well as my services - were the same as every other Tom, Dick and Harry out there. Finding an alternative path to branch out into the business became a one-track focus.

In short I was craving for a game-changer, so I decided to immerse myself into a lifelong passion of mines, learning English. .

Travelling England - particularly its countryside - was an epiphany. Not only did I stumble upon a plethora of picturesque villages, but I also met very friendly people.
Fireside banters in pubs, Barbour jackets and wellies made me fall in love with the British culture. So much so that a question started to hover around me…

“Could my region turn to be a port of call for britons searching of the less trodden path?”. I sounded out my family on the matter, likewise a web-designer to draft a site. Ever since, I have been hellbent on at making this dream come true, and now I can finally sum up the reasons behind InMarche.

Last, but not least: as part of my service, my car and I will be at the airport to pick you up. On the way back to Numana we may even stop at one of the family-run vineyards for a glass of wine.
Making you feel at home while abroad tops my priority list.


I would love to hear from you

Hello, bonjour, buenos días


InMarche di Simone Pettinari
Via Litoranea, 167 - 60026 Numana (An)
Tel +39 333 5718350

InMarche Ltd
The Limes, Bayshill Road, Cheltenham
GL50 3AW, United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 7706 714876


Contact me

For questions, queries, or even just a quick howdy, please send me a line. I will read every word.

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